The Secret to a Great Night’s Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential. It’s nearly impossible to maintain good health and be at your best all day if you’re not sleeping well. Unfortunately, many people struggle with getting the quality of sleep that they need. According to the CDC, one in three American adults do not get the sleep that they require.
Luckily, there are several ways to improve the quantity and depth of your sleep. As bedding experts, we’ve done lots of research on what matters when it comes to sleep habits. Here are ten of our favorite tips for getting your best sleep tonight:
- Stick to a schedule - Humans are born with their own circadian rhythm, which means we literally change, adapting to morning and night. We are meant to sleep on a normal schedule that is aligned with nature. Because of that, going to bed and getting up at the same time every day helps to regulate your body’s internal clock. Doing so makes it easier to fall asleep and to get up each day. Many people suggest sticking to this schedule even on days off, if you’re trying to improve sleep health.
- Create a soothing bedroom environment - Your bedroom should be a calm and relaxing place. Use calming colors, and comfortable bedding, and keep the room cool and dark. The bedding you choose will have a large impact on your sleep. Is your blanket the right weight? Do your sheets keep slipping off? Get dimming lights if possible and make sure your nightstand is stocked with anything you might need. In general, just try to make your bedroom more of an oasis rather than a place to be productive.
- Avoid electronics before bed - This tip is getting more and more important as additional research emerges. The blue light emitted from electronics like TVs and tablets can interrupt your natural rhythm and disrupt your sleep. As much as possible, you should avoid electronics for an hour before bed. Another option is to invest in a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses. These can help to filter out the blue light that negatively impacts sleep. We know it’s tempting, but your cell phone should never be the last thing you look at before trying to fall asleep!
- Get enough exercise - Regular exercise is great for your body in many ways - sleep included! Consistent movement throughout the day will help you to fall asleep faster and improve the quality of your sleep. However, you don’t want to exercise too close to bedtime, as it can actually make it harder to sleep. A good place to start is choosing a few breaks during your week where you’ll commit to a brisk walk or light workout.
- Limit both caffeine and alcohol - Both of these substances can disrupt your sleep. Unfortunately, many people are dependent on caffeine to “wake up” in the morning, but this can lead to a vicious cycle of poor sleep later on. Limit your intake of both of these substances or avoid them altogether. In particular, don’t drink caffeine after 3 pm and don’t drink alcohol on nights when you need more restful sleep.
- Try relaxation techniques - It’s important to get into the right frame of mind before falling asleep. Meditation, deep breathing, and other relaxation techniques can help you to calm your mind and fall asleep faster. If you’re not sure where to start, try reviewing some of the free apps available for guided meditation.
- Invest in quality bedding - You might be surprised to know how much your bedding choices matter. Have you ever tried to fall asleep with scratchy sheets? Not easy! High-quality bedding can make a world of difference in the quality of your sleep. Invest in comfortable pillows, sheets, and blankets that will feel soft and regulate your body temperature well. Here are some of our best-selling options.
- Choose the right mattress - A comfortable mattress is one of the building blocks of great sleep. You’re unlikely to get quality sleep on a mattress that’s not right for you - and many people learn that the hard way! Consider your room temperature, sleeping position, and partner’s preferences before choosing a new mattress. Don’t be afraid to try a few options guided by an experienced bedding expert. It will be well worth your time.
- Keep pets out of the bedroom - This one is tough for many people, but it works! While pets can be comforting, they can also be very disruptive to sleep. They tend to move or make noise, which wakes people up. And don’t even get us started on the allergy issues for many people! Keep them out of the bedroom to ensure a more peaceful night’s sleep.
- Seek medical help when necessary - If you’ve made all of these lifestyle changes and still have trouble sleeping, there could be a medical issue to blame. It could be worth a conversation with your doctor to learn about options that might help. A sleep specialist can help to identify and treat underlying sleep disorders that might be at fault.
Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things you can do for your body and your mind. However, sometimes that is easier said than done. By sticking to a schedule, creating a relaxing atmosphere, and investing in the best bedding you can afford, you’ll set yourself up for sleep success.